Barnard Castle and District 5





Barnard Castle and District 5’s and 3’s

Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting


Barnard Castle and District 5’s and 3’s 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at the Cricket Club Barnard Castle on Tuesday 22nd August 2023, at 8.00pm.


Opening remarks and apologies:

The Chair (Eddie Tinkler) opened the meeting at 8.05pm. There was a traditional silence in respect to those domino players no longer with us. All representative and committee members (Nick Peckett, Theresa Rogers-Walshaw, Gillian Watson, and Mark Wallace) were welcomed by the Chair. Gillian Watson as Secretary took the minutes.

Minutes of the 2022 AGM

The minutes were proposed as accepted by Phil Williams and seconded by David Sparrow. A show of hand approved the 2022 AGM minutes. There were no other matter arising.

Chair’s report

Started by thanking the committee for their work throughout the year and expressed his relief that the league had survived another season with minimal meetings and minimum committee members.

He stated the Gillian had taken on the roles of both Secretary and continued as Knockout co-ordinator and Theresa had stepped into Treasurers’ role. Mark has taken on the role of Vice Chair and stalwart Nick will continue to look after the website and recording the scores. He relayed his thanks to all for being there when needed to keep the league going.

The chair thanked the captains for keeping the league relevant and trouble free. He also thanked the pubs, clubs, and landlords for supporting the league and the Teesdale Mercury for reporting league events. The chair also relayed a special ‘thank you’ to the teams who ended up at the supporting end of the tables, for continuing to enjoy the game.

He went on to encourage all the teams to get their dominoes out and encourage the younger generation to become interested, as they are the future of the league. He continued that we need more teams and more committee members. To that end he stated that a committee member does not need to be a team captain and he encouraged us to nominate younger members who can bring ideas to the table.


He went on to assert that he believed COVID is less of an issue, but it is still out there. Therefore, we should be hygienically aware when playing, for example, NO HAND LICKING!


The Chair concluded his report by wishing everyone all the best for this and every season and to ‘keep shuffling!’


Secretaries Report

Nothing to report, no major issues.


Treasurers Report

The treasurers report showed a balance of £1,732.22, in the league account. The treasurer declared that the league fees and the knockout fees would stay the same as last year (£10 for each) given that there is a healthy bank balance.


Web Advisers Report

Nick thanked the captains for the results that were communicated to him during the last season. He reminded the members of the importance of getting the cards to the Cricketers Arms by Friday morning each week, this is to ensure the verifiable reporting on the results as well as the individuals scores of team players.


He went on the express that overall; he was pleased with the way the process of reporting is working and that results were, mostly, on-time. He suggested the captains continue to use Whatsapp/text/emails and send a photo of the score card, this may help him to produce the weekly results more quickly. He closed his address by asking, if anyone had any question, no one did.


The score reporting system is to be the same as last year. Cards are to be delivered to the Cricketers Arms by Friday after a match.



Chairperson: Eddie acknowledged that he had stated he wanted to withdraw as Chair last year hence his appointment had been approved by the members for one year. He pointed out that the Chair’s appointment is usually for three year and therefore he would like the members approval to continue as Chair for another two years to fulfil his tenure.

The proposal was that Eddie continue as chair for another two years

His tenure was proposed by Theresa Rogers-Walshaw and seconded by David Sparrow.


The proposal was carried.


Committee: The chair asked the existing committee if they would continue in their duties, they agreed.

The proposal was that the current committee member be elected ‘en bloc’.

Their tenure was proposed by Mo Seal and seconded by Phil Williams.


The proposal was carried.


New nomination

The chair asked for any new nominations to the committee.

Dor Lowe expressed her interest in joining the committee.

The proposal was that Dor Lowe join as a committee member

Her appointment was proposed by Jane Hackworth-Young and seconded by Gillian Watson.


The proposal was carried.


The Chair pointed out that the committee had discussed an amendment to rule 7, in the Barnard Castle and District 5s and 3s League Rules. This should now read: - ‘Captains are responsible for the good condition of the match dominos. They should be white or ivory and have black spots, and as near to a standard size of 2”x1”x3/8”. It is advisable to have a spare set to replace any sets which have defects or marks. Also, if at any point during a game any player is able to identify a particular domino from the blank side after a shuffle, the game will stop and restart with a substitute pack of dominos.


The captains were advised to check their dominos before the start of the season and before every match.


The committee proposed:

That the amended rule 7 be accepted by the members


Proposals were accepted by those members present


Roll call of the domino teams:

The Chair stated that two teams will go up to the A league and two will go down to join the B league.

The roll call was completed successfully, and the fees collected, 19 teams have been recorded thus far for the 2023/24 season. The collection of subscriptions was £190. The chair will contact the Moorcock to ask if they are joining this year as if so, their fees will need to be to be collected.


Question from the floor:

Christine Hartas and Jane Hackworth-Young asked if both leagues could have an equal number of players, e. g. 10 and 10 instead of 9 and 11?

The Chair stated that such changes will need approval from the members and that anyone proposing changes needs to send a letter to the committee two week before the AGM. However, the issue can be re-visited before the start of the next season.


Some members have requested that the Knockouts finish before April 2024.

The Chair affirmed that this would mean some teams will need to play the knockout games during the week (e. g. not on a Monday). The KO coordinator stated that a plan will be devised so that the season can be completed before April 2024.


The committee proposed:

a)      The captains meeting to be held on Tuesday the 29thAug 2023 at the Cricket Club at

b)      Venue for finals night to be the Cricket Club


Proposals were accepted by those members present


As there was no further business the Chair thanked those present for their contribution and closed the meeting.