Minutes of the 2017 AGM









Minutes of the 2017 AGM


The Barnard Castle and District 5’s and 3’s AGM was held at The Cricket Club, Barnard Castle on Tuesday 15th August 2017.


The Chairman E Tinkler opened the meeting at 8.03pm and welcomed all representatives and committee members Nick Peckett, Chuck Hughes, Theresa Rogers-Walshaw and Linda Raper. 


The Chairman requested all present to stand in silence for a moment to mark the passing of a number of members through the season.


A show of hands approved the minutes of the 2016 AGM– proposed Gillian Watson, seconded Mary Hedley, there were no matters arising from the minutes.


The chairman congratulated the winning teams and individuals, and also the non-winners who took part in a successful season. He also thanked the members and the committee for their work during the season.


The Chairman thanked the current committee and confirmed that Craig Hamilton (Happy Birthday Craig) is taking a break from the committee but that hopefully he would stand again in the future.


The chairman stated that he is due to be in office until 2019, but if anyone new wished to take the league a further step forward he would happily stand aside if it was for the good of the league.


The chairman reported another profitable season, with £1,211.33 in the bank and thanked the raffle and football card sellers in helping with this (Theresa and Ruby), he thanked Barnard Castle Workingmen’s Club for the hosting of Finals night and the supply of pies and peas, The Cricket Club for hosting the AGM, Barney Cricketers Arms for allowing the dropping off of the result cards and thank you to anyone else he missed.  The members present accepted the balance sheet and report.


The chairman mentioned his concern in the drop of numbers and encouraged members to encourage more teams to join, and invite more younger players to partake in the game – they are the future.


The chairman asked that the committee members of Nick Peckett, Chuck Hughes, Theresa Rogers-Walshaw and Linda Raper be re-elected “en bloc” This was approved by a show of hands (proposed ???? do not know the gentleman’s name – sat on table opposite us, to the left – white hair,) seconded Mark.


The Chairman again asked for volunteers for the committee – representation from the dale would be welcomed.




Roll call of team’s present was read and:-


  • 1 team was a no show, the Dimond Inn.  Nick Peckett to call via the pub after the meeting to ask if they still want to be part of the league.  (Unfortunately, the pub was closed last night and although Nick texted, no answer has been returned).
  • The George & Dragon will now play from Bowes Club and their new team name will the Bowes Club Dragon’s. 
  • 1 New application was received from Pinfold Club, Boldron, games to be played at Old Chapel on the green.  All members unanimously accepted this.
  • Coach and Horses are struggling to get a complete team but hope to have this sorted by the Captains Meeting.


The committee proposed to keep the fees as they currently stand, league fees £12.00 per team and knock out fees £10.00 per team – unanimously accepted.


The way the season ran last year seemed to work well and it was proposed to run this year’s season similar – Proposed by Ruby and 2nd by Gillian Watson.  This was unanimously accepted.


The committee proposed: -

  • League and Knockout fees not be increased
  • League matches start 11th September
  • Finals night probably early April 2016
  • Venue for finals night Barnard Castle WMC
  • Play offs a tMiddleton Club

Ruby proposed 1st and was seconded by Gillian Watson - and the members accepted.


As the committee were unable to offer receipts for registration fees it was agreed that these would be collected at the Captains meeting, the same time as the knock out fees are collected.  The Captains meeting will be on 29th August at D.L.I. Club at 8.00 pm.


Registration forms were emailed to all teams but Chuck had some spare copies for those teams that needed them.


Nick Peckett address the room – all match results still to be texted in by 11pm, as usual, and to save the club money, Nick will use his own phone to confirm receipt of the results.  Whatsapp was discussed as an alternative.  This is a free service using internet and ideal if you have an android or iphone.  It was agreed that both options run side by side this season.


Result cards still to be dropped to the Cricketers Arms and feel free to stop for a quick drink!!


Minimum player age was discussed and the committee agreed 16 years of age is acceptable so long as no alcohol was consumed by the individual.  It was highlighted that this might not be ok when playing within a club as usual rules request that under 18 years vacate by 9.00 pm.  Chuck to double check with BCWMC to confirm if this would be acceptable.



Members were reminded that the Captains meeting would be on the 29th August at 8pm at the DLI Club.


There being no further business, the chairman thanked all for their contribution to the meeting and declared the meeting closed at 8.25pm – a new record